The littles voices in your head, they’re really your emotions.
As we’ve previously announced, Pixar has released a new movie titled “Inside Out”, a film that ventures inside the mind of humans reacting to emotional impulses.
Following the release of the “Inside Out” trailer, Disney’s Pixar Animation Studio has released two new clips which centres on five emotions inside the mind of a girl named Riley.
Taken place almost entirely inside the mind of young Riley, the two new clips follow her personified emotions as she struggles to adapt to the new aura in San Francisco.
The story line is as follows:
Riley is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Riley and everyone else are guided by their emotions, Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. The personified emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley’s mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters, when Sadness accidentally causes herself and Joy to get lost within the rest of Riley’s Mind. Although Joy, Riley’s main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the remaining emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school, while Joy and Sadness trek through the rest of Riley’s Mind (including “Imagination Land” and “Dream Productions”), the latter slowly discovering the bright side of life.
The first clip kicks off with Disgust (voiced by Mindy Kaling) and Anger (voiced by Lewis Black) as Riley’s father tries to feed the child greens.
While the second clips features Joy (voiced by Amy Poehler) and Sadness (voiced by Phyllis Smith) attempt to find their way through long-term memory.
Known for his work on “Up” and “Monster.Inc”, Pete Docter will take the role to direct alongside Ronnie del Carmen who will co-direct. The producer for this film will be Jonas Rivera.
“Inside Out” will hit theatres on 19th June.
For more on “Inside Out”, visit the movie’s Facebook page.
Source & featured image: Comingsoon