Nevermind his real-life Korean drama, this singer-actor has got one other thing to worry about now.
In September 2014, it was rumoured that Kim Hyun Joong was trying to delay the mandatory South Korean army enlistment. Fans believed that it was due to him having to sort out a personal issue that made headlines all of the end of last year, and is still continuing to make headlines somewhat.
It all started when his ex-girlfriend filed reports against him for physical abuse while they were in a relationship. His ex-girlfriend accused him of hitting her on numerous occasions between May and July, suffering injuries such as bruises and broken ribs. The charges were filed in August 2014, which undoubtedly threw the star into the limelight.
Long story short, he tried to delay his army enlistment so that he could deal with the assault charges files against him by his ex-girlfriend.
But now that that’s kind of settled (nevermind that there was this other issue about his said ex-girlfriend being pregnant with his child), word has it that Kim Hyun Joong have made up his mind to enlist on the 31st, entering the Gyeonggido army training camp. This means that he could be joining other celebrities who are also enlisting this month such as JYJ’s Jaejoong and Super Junior’s Sungmin.
However, his agency said that although the date has been issued for the end of March, the Korean heartthrob may request a delay.
According to AKP, Key East stated:
It’s true that the draft notice has been issued. However, due to his various issues, he is considering on postponing his enlistment. We haven’t figured it out with him yet. Also, because of his current situation, we were planning on not announcing anything whether we delay it or not. He wants to go as quietly as possible.
They made no mention if the “various issues” include the ongoing drama with Ms. Choi (Kim Hyun Joong’s ex-girlfriend) or if the duo are currently sorting out matters prior to the army enlistment.
Hmm. Would you be sad if Kim Hyun Joong went quietly? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box below!
Source: AKP.