Fans of EDM and horror, we’ve got news for you!
It looks like organisations and companies have embarked on a race to cash in on the EDM crazy in any way possible. From blatant sponsorships to cheesy adaptations, electronic dance music is without a doubt one of the latest cash cow investors want to use to bring in the big bucks.
An EDM themed horror movie titled “Enter the Dangerous Mind (EDM)”, recently caught our attention. The new horror movie follows a potentially schizophrenic electronic DJ/producer as he tries to come to grips with his mental state. Following many EDM stereotypes, including bass heavy soundtrack and heaps of references to substance abuse, “Enter the Dangerous Mind” eventually leads to the DJ/producer who goes into a violent killing spree as he can no longer stave off the madness. Why you may ask? Well judging from the trailer, it’s because of EDM.