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Sex Bloggers Alvin and Vivian have gone too far, again!


 Izinkan kami memperkenalkan cara kami memupuk semangat 1Malaysia dengan bertukar-tukar makanan antara kaum-kaum Malaysia pada musim perayaan yang mulia ini. Hak untuk menikmati juadah enak tempatan seharusnya merentasi batasan bangsa dan juga agama. Kepada saudara-saudari yang beragama Islam, selamat berbuka puasa dan Salam Aidilfitri!


Allow us to introduce our new way of cultivating the 1Malaysia spirit by exchanging cuisines between the diversity of ethnicity in Malaysia on this righteous season of festival. The rights to enjoy whatever local cuisines has to cut across all borders of people and religion. To our Muslim brothers and sisters, we wish you a Happy fasting and a Happy Aidilfitr!

These two have done it again. This time, to the outrage of many individuals. Not because of their sexcapades once again, but of an image of the two enjoying a clay-pot of ‘Bah Kuh Teh‘ or Herbal Pork coupled with a greeting. Not that they aren’t allowed to do so, but they did it with absolutely no sense of respect and courtesy during the fasting month for Muslims. To make matters worst, the couple also superimposed a ‘Halal’ certification identifier in the image. For Muslims, pork is considered forbidden in Islamic laws.

In a recent posting over the couples joint Facebook account, over 700 comments (and counting) condemning the act of the couple doesn’t seem to stop. Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee, famous for the creation of a personal sexcapades video blog, came under fire with several authorities including their family and the institutions in which they were studying in.

According to sources, when contacted the couple, had no remorse over what they had posted:

When asked if he regretted posting it, Tan said “not yet…”.

“Yeah, in a way. I don’t know. I was just curious to see how people will perceive it. It seems not everybody is on the same page as us. It is dark humour. It is just our attempt to see how it will be perceived.  It is just trying to be humorous on the matter,” he said in a phone interview with The Star Online.

To him, the unfavourable response shows that “people don’t see the humour, people are mostly angry and upset”.

As to whether he will delete the posting, Tan said he would probably take it down, but “by now, many have shared the picture.”

We can only watch and see what happens from here on.


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